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Chipata to Petauke (176km) & A New Record for Judith


Day 81 - Apr 3 - Stage 56

Local Zambian Riders (Judith in the background)

It was a very long cycling day and Judith decided to give it her best shot, and consequently... it was Judith's new personal best! She completed the 176km distance and we arrived at our destination before sunset (cut off time).

Early morning we reluctantly left Mama Rulas Camp in Chipata, it had been the best Camp so far, I would have preferred a rest day there, as opposed to the one we had in Lilongwe, but it was not to be.

The Zambian road surface was fantastic, from the dedicated bike lanes as we left Chipata, to the very smooth surface of the Great East Road, which had been rehabilitated by kind  donations and loans from European Investment Bank, European Union and Agence Francaise de Development - (for which we were extremely grateful).

We cycled 81km to lunch, then a further 96km to Camp, we might of come in last, accompanied by the Sweep Rider, but we had done the distance!  Briefing was already in progress when we arrived, and we appreciated  the thunderous applause we received from the other Riders.

We were just too tired to Camp, so we took a room at the Lodge, had a few drinks with Murray & Andje on the veranda, and then it was off to bed. 

Tomorrow is another long day with a 171km cycle to Luangwa Bridge Camp (we cross over the Bridge, then cycle to the Camp).

Mike T

Leaving Mama-Rula's in the morning

Turn right for Lusaka and keep going straight!

The Company's involved in the rehabilitation of The Great East Road

The great surface we were able to ride on

The morning's Coke Stop with Marie, Liz and Sweep Rider Helen

Leaving the Lunch Truck for the second half of the day's riding

The afternoons Coke Stop with Liz

Charcoal Sellers on the side of the road

Sweep Rider Max shadowing Judith on her new Personal Best Day of 176 km

Part of the Great East Road was only open to Cyclists and Cattle


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