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Day 46 - Stage 32 - Kabalungi School to Mburo (65 km)

Main Truck packed-up, in the rain, and ready to depart.

Monday: Woke up and it was raining, we decided to have breakfast first, then to pack up the tent, but it was the wrong decision, we packed up the tent in a much heavier rain. Sometimes you win, other times you lose badly; had to pack the drenched tent into my Daily Bag! :/

As a consequence, we were the last to leave Camp, and we cycled for most of the first half in the rain. Caught up to Liz when she stopped to sample some fried cassava.

Judith couldn't wait

Day 45 - Stage 31 - Ssese Island to Kabalungi School (104 km)

Sunday: An early start again, load bags by 6am, have a quick breakfast and start cycling, today I cycle  with Philip, who is recovering after a bout of runs, he needed to take it easy today. We have to leave early because we need to either to catch the Ferry by 8 am (the racing snakes) or 10 am latest (the rest of us).

Judith decides to take the truck to the Ferry, and to only start riding once on the mainland, she is worried that she might miss the 10 am Ferry. A wise move, as the route to the Ferry is quite hilly and it would have slowed her down considerably - raising her stress levels.

We cycled 34 km on the Island, which consists both of pristine jungle and cultivated lands, with a lot of land dedicated to Palm Nut Oil Production. We arrive early enough to make the 10 am Ferry to the Ugandan Mainland. While waiting at the Ferry, I have a cup of coffee with Natalie, while she enjoys a cup of good Ugandan tea.

We board the Ferry, trucks & cars first, followed by motorbikes, then us cyclists, and lastly the pedestrians. We have a leisurely trip on the Lake and chat a bit to the local truck and motorbike riders.

Cycling through an avenue of Palm Nut trees

Palm Nut grove on the Island

View of the Camp area from the overlooking hill

Riders waiting for the call to board the Ferry

Philip takes the opportunity to enjoy a cooked meilie (corn)

Motobike riders waiting to board after the trucks & cars had boarded.

Park my bike away from the maddening crowd

Riders pace the Ferry looking for a place to rest

Some of the seated riders (three out of four riders are on social media at any one time

Calm comes to the loaded Ferry as it makes its way to the Ugandan Mainland

Passing another Lake Victoria Ferry

The motor vehicles depart the Ferry

The riders getting ready to disembark 

On arrival at the Mainland, we all get off in the same order as we boarded, and us riders start cycling again. I rode with Philip and Muzz.

Just before lunch, we stop at one of the roadside stalls and buy a watermelon and a few mango's, we are joined by Sue & Liz who help us to devour the most delicious and fresh tasting watermelon & mango I've had.

We get to the Lunch Truck and everyone keeps mum about our fruit eating escapades, we don't want Wynand to find out we preferred our own fruit purchase. I couldn't eat lunch... I was just to full of fresh fruit!  Wynand shows us the Jack Fruit which he bought, he says he will cut it up for us to try, in the foreseeable future.

While passing through one of the Villages, we stop at a great big pile of bananas, meet the owner, who tells us its destined for Rwanda, where they will use it to make Banana Wine (will make an effort to taste some when we get to Rwanda).

I enjoy a coke-stop with Philip, Liz and Alex, & hear Nelson fell off his bike (rumor has it, he was  involved in an accident with a motorbike). Sweep Rider Max, leaves us to accompany Nelson to the local Hospital, we carry on sweepless.

Arrive at the school, I took charge and acted as the Sweep Rider (seems I am the most qualified) behind Liz and Philip. We come in after Judith, who had an eventful ride to Camp after the 8 am Ferry trip (at one stage she fell down which resulted in a minor cut to her calf, and she was also caught in the rain).

All the racing snakes arrived at the School in the pouring rain, some even took the opportunity to use the rain as a makeshift shower. Everyone waits under the Main Truck tarpaulin, for the rain to stop before pitching their tents.

Everyone camps on the School Soccer Field, and Sandy and Niklas organise for a case of beers to be delivered - so we at least have access to a cold beer before dinner!

At the Briefing Meeting, we get an update about Nelson, none of the X-Ray machines at the nearest hospitals were in working order, so he was taken to Kampala, but it seems there isn't anything major wrong with him, which is good news.

Very basic Camp, squat toilets and no showers, everyone camps. Have dinner, then take a bottle wash (use my bike water bottle to wash with) & then off to sleep with the pitter-patter of falling rain...

Mike T

Philip taking photos of the local cattle

Murry & Philip negotiating the price of the watermelon and mango's
Eating our watermelon and mango's

Wynand showing off his Jack Fruit

Today's last coke stop with Phillip, Liz and Alex
The pile of bananas destined for Rwanda to be made into wine

Philip and Liz arrive at the School

"Racing Snake" Charles takes the opportunity to wash in the rain
Putting up the tent before the rain returns 

Riders Briefing for tomorrow's ride.

Briefing Board for tomorrow's ride


Day 44 - Travel Day in Uganda

Sunset as seen from Ssese Island

Saturday: An official Travel Day, travel from Kampala (Chili Lodge) to Ssese Island (Ssese Island Beach Hotel) via Entebbe.

To negate the notorious Kampala traffic, TDA devise the cunning plan of traveling out from Kampala by bus to Entebbe, then catching a ferry from Entebbe to Ssese Island on Lake Victoria, where we will overnight. Before cycling on the Island and catching another ferry with our bikes, back to Mainland Uganda.

So after loading our daily bags on to the Main Truck relatively early and having an early breakfast, thereby allowing the Trucks to depart early enough (they have to catch the Government Ferry) we depart the Chili Lodge in Kampala by bus.

The bus ride doesn't start well, because of our combined weight, at the Main Gate, the bus gets stuck trying to leave the Lodge. We all de-bus, and walk to the Main Road, fortunately  with all of us out, the bus manages to clear the obstacle and once on the Main Road with all climb back into the bus.I am 

The trip through Kampala and on to Entebbe Beach Harbour, although quite long, goes off without any further glitches. On arrival at the Harbour, here is just enough time to take a toilet break, before we all board the Ferry.

The Ferry ride on Lake Victoria to Ssese Island takes approximately 3 1/2 hours, and most of the riders manage to pass the time by taking a doze every now and then, or by chatting to some of their fellow riders. We cross the Equator for the second time, but decide to keep it low key, as we will not be able to reproduce as much of the fun as we had on our first crossing.

Riders getting into the bus for the trip to Entebbe
The Kampala skyline
Boarding the Ferry to Ssese Island
The Captain checking his twin outboard engines
View of Entebbe from the Ferry
Start of the Ferry trip and all are calm
Birthday Girl No.1 enjoying her Ferry trip

Birthday Girl No.2 enjoying her trip out on the bow of the Ferry
Approaching the Ferry Landing on Ssese Island

Disembarking from the Ferry
It's a double birthday today, both Judith & Andje are celebrating their birthdays, so the riders and TDA staff on the ferry, sing 'happy birthday' to them.

On arrival at Ssese Island, the majority of the riders decide to camp, while only a handful of us take a room at the Ssese Islands Beach Hotel. Since it's Judith's birthday, I treat her to a hotel room, can't have her putting up a tent and sleeping on the ground for her special day.

After dinner, Errol the Chef, produces two freshly baked chocolate birthday cakes, one each for the two Birthday Girls. Both cakes are appreciated and consumed by the riders and staff (they take no prisoners).

Later that evening we have an impromptu party, when two bottles of chilled champagne miraculously  appear  (we bought them in Jinja and they were kept chilled in the Lunch Truck for this special occasion). A great way to end a special day.

It's not every birthday, that Judith is treated to a boat trip to an exotic island with a group of her friends.

Mike T

Ps. The latest news concerning the sick riders, is that Bridgette, Anmei and Andrew are all out of Hospital, and will be joining us shortly.

The Ssese Island Beach Hotel Reception
View of our Room for our Island stay
Having lunch No.2 in the Hotel Restaurant

Bike Repair Time in idyllic conditions
Riders' Briefing - Tomorrow's Ride

Errol & Helen lighting the candles on the birthday cakes
Birthday Girls Judith and Andje
Cutting the cake into sufficient pieces for riders and staff alike
The line-up for some birthday cake
Riders relaxing after dinner & cake... and reflecting on the day's traveling and tomorrow's cycling and ferry expectations
