Judith enjoying the Nubian Desert
Tuesday: It was another 143 km completed without any major hassles and another night camping in the Nubian Desert
We were not early starters today, Judith needed some spade therapy after breakfast, so we were one of the last to leave camp, in fact by the time we left, they had started to break up camp already.
Our first stop was for tea & coffee in the Village of Goshabi 37 km into the ride. I was told I couldn't have the tea or coffee until I posed with some of the local elders, duly obliged, then we had our refreshments.
This mornings tea/coffee maker in the Village of Goshabi |
Posing with some of the local elders |
Lunch was at 78 km, and it was a lonely lunch for us, with only one other rider, Gurpaul to keep us company, we were definitely part of Team Sweep today.
Had a coke stop at the 115km mark, which turned out to be a very popular stop by some of the Buses on their way to Khartoum. Most of the passengers were very friendly and wanted to know where we were from, where we were going and why we were cycling through the Nubian Desert ?
We passed the 2 000 km cycled mark today, and a lot of the riders stopped to take photo's taken. We didn't stop, as it might have impacted our tea/coffee drinking expedition.
Just a note about the buses, they are getting more aggressive in the way they drive, they are traveling at unbelievable speeds, and will not hesitate to overtake one another as they come abreast of you. This results in us cyclists taking evasive action by diving off and riding on the gravel verge, not a pleasant experience.
Concerning the buses... Niklas Frisk fell and earned himself a Sudanese tattoo (tar burns on his leg, arm, shoulder and hip). This was as a result of his front wheel touching another cyclists back wheel, caused by the side-wash of a bus overtaking another one.
We were not "unswept" today, and we were caught with 15km to go before lunch, part of Team Sweep from lunch to finish at Desert Camp, I suppose you can't win them all, not if you are last to leave camp.
Tomorrow another 140km-plus ride.
Mike T
Today's sunrise |
A jubilant Judith returning from some successful spade work |
TDA Management started packing up camp before we left for our days ride. |
Drinking water is regularly available for the locals along the side of the road. |
Canal taking water from the Nile River |
Canal sending water into the Nubian Desert |
Obelisk at roundabout in Village of Abu Dom |
Mosque in the Village of Abu Dom |
Stopping for lunch at a cyclist deserted Lunch Truck |
Sweep Rider and TDA Bike Mechanic Leo offering mechanical advice to a stranded Toyota. |
Local goats moving through the desert |
Arriving at our next Desert Camp
Petrified wood found in the desert |
Petrified wood "tree-rings" |
Priscilla Queen of the Desert and her Camel
The tented Camp
Our Desert Camp tent site for the night |
Old Sudanese Jeep still in running condition |
Stage 17 Briefing Session - Tomorrow's ride. I'll try not to take my clothes off... |
Helen's Bread Pudding at supper |
Philip displaying his multi-tasking skills, eating his pudding and talking to Nelson at the same time. |
This evening's sunset |
Sunsets are very similar to sunrises in the desert... |
Late evening visitor (Water Drill Rig in transit) across the way from our camp. |
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