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Soccer Field to School at Biti Manayanga (128km)


Day 67 - March 20 - Stage 46

Monday: Our good luck on the Seven Day Section finally broke, and on day five of seven, the rains caught up to us and turned our simple lives upside down.

Sometimes you have to take a detour to keep dry and mud free
Today was a wet day!

I rode with Judith up to lunch truck, she then stopped and took the lunch truck to camp. I continued and after lunch rode with Liz to Camp.  We were caught in heavy rain twice while out on the road. Not even my rain jacket could keep me dry.  The rain just gets in everywhere, it drenches your clothes, shoes and your hydration pack.

Approximately three kilometers from the end, Liz had a puncture, she had no spare tube (my spare tube was too big for her tire) so we walked the last 3km into camp.

Meanwhile back at the Camp, Judith was busy putting up the tent when the heavens opened up without any warning, everything became wet, Judith, our tent and our daily bags were soaked!

Later it stopped raining long enough to get the tent dry, however none of our clothes would dry out, we would have to put wet cycling clothes on in the morning!

We had Briefing followed by supper, then it started raining hard again, so we had to pack up our bags with wet clothes in our tent. 

We went to sleep with the sound of pouring rain, knowing we were going to start cycling in wet clothes come the morning.

Mike T

Stunning Tanzanian sunrise
Still encountering bee hives hanging in the trees
Busy Lunch Truck stop

The Rivers are flowing strongly from the ongoing rain
Land Rover opening up Africa so that the others can follow

Briefing Board for tomorrow's ride


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