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Konkiep Lappa to Seeheim (127km) - Namibia


Day 111 - May 3 - Stage 78

Started with Judith, and after 31km on relatively good dirt road reached the tar road and rode into Bethanie. Stopped at a Coffee Shop which was being overwhelmed by Riders, had a cappuccino and toasted ham, cheese with tomato sandwich, followed by another toasted sandwich. Judith enjoyed a good carrot cake with her tea.  We were the second last riders to leave the Coffee shop!

At lunch which was at the 70km mark, Judith hopped on the truck, I rode alone and kept up quite a fast pace - wasn't caught by Brad the Sweep. Even though I was stopped by a bunch of German Tourists (from Hamburg in Germany) at a Lay-bye, who wanted to know why I was out cycling and I had to give them the complete TDA story before they would let me go on my way.

After riding 50km alone, I managed to catch up to Liz with 7km to go, we crossed the Fish River and turned off the tar road back onto the dirt. After enjoying today's luxury of cycling on the tar, we will be back onto the dirt for the next two days.

Camped in the Seeheim Hotel grounds, and the usual bunch of us abused their Bar and Restaurant facilities.

Tomorrow we cycle parallel to the Fish River down to the Canon Roadhouse, one of my favourite Namibian stop-over places.

Mike T

Philip completing his ablutions before leaving Konkiep Lapa

Straight out of Camp and turn right for Seeheim

Happiness is a Coffee Shop 

Coffee Shop overwhelmed by cyclists 

Cyclists enjoying the early morning coffee break

Arriving at a lonely lunch truck

Back onto a good tar road

Group photo with the visiting Germans from Hamburg

Selfie while seeking solace from the sun in a shady road cutting

Shade glorious shade!

Seeheim Hotel welcomes the cyclists

Andje demonstrating the versatility of her hydration pack bladder

The Ladies discussing team tactics while Rupert tries to intervene 

Zirk the Owner of the Seeheim Hotel

Peter and Deborah waiting for the evenings briefing session

Welcome to Seeheim

Cyclists attend the Briefing Meeting

Tour Leader Tallis after giving his briefing

My chance to be the Waiter and fetch beers for the boys

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